A recent survey states that, 70 % of women and 54 % of men in a love relationship did not know about their partners affair. Gone are the days of Ramayana, where women with different atrocities still remained faithful to her husband. Todays' women with the growing trend have changed their view on a successful love relationships. Here are top 6 reasons on why women cheat in a relationship. So, all the men, just reprint them on your every brain cells to prevent the extramarital chaos in your love life.
Reason 6 – Loneliness: We often find men cheating for physical reasons while women often have emotional reasons for cheating on their partner. When a women lacks the necessary attention she is seeking from her partner, she will be tempted to grab all that love from elsewhere.This roots in a plant called infidelity. A partner who becomes overly involved with his work or even a hobby may not gather time to spend a romantic self life with his partner, this often results in the women feeling as if they are all alone in the whole wide world. So just a sneaky smile of friendship could melt them down in a stranger's arms after few or many visits. Some women complain about their loneliness even in the presence of their partner.
A research states that women today have the same opportunities to cheat as men always did. If they are lonely working women, they have the chance to mix and mingle with their would-be lovers, both in office or business trip. If she is a college girl or a house wife, then the Internet is filled with chat rooms and websites were a specific page has been maintained to look for something more than your usual love life.
Reason 5- Parallel Life's : When your love life bloomed, everything seemed perfect. Both of you shared same ideals, dreams, aspirations...etc, but with the time, your interests takes a drift. You might want to spend the weekend with your buddies or watch football during your free time, while your lady love would rather go shopping or would want to watch age old Bollywood dramas. When you start doing things separately, your odds of connecting with others who share your interests increase. This will soon help her to suspect that she has more in common with the guy she keeps spotting every weekend then her man of dreams, she is dating presently.
Reason 4- Self-esteem : Woman gets pampered when her man admires her without a blink. However after a certain period, when a man knows that she is all his, he forgets the art of admiration. You may find him admiring a bikini actress in the TV, in the presence of his lady love, without realizing the frowning heart beneath that curved smile of his partner. Women may get tempted to cheat to affirm that they are still attractive and desirable. If they are found sexy by another man who doesn't set back to compliment, then they are already to get trapped in infidelity web. Always remember, a little flattery goes a long way with women.
Reason 3-The Fizzled Fantasy :The same old love life without any excitement or something new, can fizzle the fantasy and passion for love. When the romance fades it may make her realize that her guy is not the fantasy man she fell in love with.
Reason 2- Revenge: As the saying goes, Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned..., beware of a revengeful woman. A research states many women indulge in having sex with another man due to frustration and sense of revenge. If she catches her man in some other women's arms, she figures she"s got a right to a little indulgence of her own. It may be just a one- night stand but always in a danger to get serious.
Reason 1- Not enough physical relationship: Woman are emotional beings than men are. In her closed eyelids she dreams of the world of fantasy and when it opens it just seems yet another eye just looking the onlooker. Its very important to meet her desired ends, lest she opts for something else that satisfies her. When the relationship breathes new, men could be awake all night just to see her sleep, but as the responsibilities build up, sleep seems to be more important than sex. This may annoy her. She may ask for a warm kiss, just to find you hurrying for the late night shift, with just a tap on her back. So, to keep that love spark alive for long, ask her out on date nights, send her provocative messages at lunch, have dinner together with some spicy talks she love and don"t let life get in the way of kissing, cuddling and sex, even when all your hair turns gray.
When the relationship breathes new, men could be awake all night just to see her sleep, but as the responsibilities build up, sleep seems to be more important.
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